Sunday, September 9, 2012

History of COMICS around the world.

Good afternoon, folks. Sorry, I've been away for a long while. And hey, I know you guys love comics. Here's my apology... History of Comics from a big part of the world that comics are a great trend. And comics are also a kind of DRAWING so I post these ones. Let's see...

British comics usually aimed at children and had been started since 19th century and were published weekly, although some were also published on a fortnightly or monthly schedule. The top three longest-running comics in the world, The Dandy, The Beano and Comic Cuts are all British.

File:Beano Jan 6 1940.jpg  
The Beano's cover

Even though nowadays, British comics has not been the most hit anymore. But when you think of comics, theses comics are still in your head.

Prepared for the history of comics more. I'll be posting about US comics tomorrow at around 2-4 pm. Hope you enjoy! :)

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