Saturday, September 15, 2012

Learn it, Do it. [2]

Another video...

Credit to Mark Crilley. I learn so much from you. :)

Learn it, Do it [1]

I think you guys get bored with seeing picture... So, I'll upload videos for you!

I choose manga style because it's hit and not too hard... Try it!

Cartoon Drawing

Here's my most favorite Thai artist. Her pen name is Vic. And I love that her drawings show not much emotion but can still give an information... get it? lol, I don't think so.

Let's see.

Yes, she draws for a famous cartoon publisher like Jamsai publisher.

Cartoon Drawing

Say hi again, Here's the cartoon drawing from my favorite drawer on Instagram.

ngingi s her pen name.

She teaches a step by step drawing and her tool is copic.

Modern Art

Hey, I'll stay late tonight. So, I decided to post 2 or 3 posts. Let's see what I've got for you.

Bec Winnel is a modern artist who loves painting. Her paintings are so realistic and beautiful. Like these...

I just love her art. <3

Credit :

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Modern Drawing

Hey, after seeing something old like history for almost week. Today, I've got a modern drawing from a drawer who has not been very famous but I guarantee that his works are wonderful!

His pen name is Toolkit 04. Let's see his art.

Don't you love his works? They're cool! The pictures are full of emotion... Great!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

History of COMICS part3.

Sawasdee ka. Sorry, I did not upload anything yesterday. But now I come with a kind of comics but we don't usually call it a comics, we call it a manga. It's a Japanese word and yes, today we're going to focus of the history of comics in Japan. :)

The History of manga is said to originate from scrolls dating back to the 12th century, however whether these scrolls are actually manga is still disputed, though its believed they represent the basis for the right-to-left reading style. Other authors report origins closer to the 18th century.
Don't tell me you don't know this manga... Doraemon.
I have a video about how to draw a manga eye. It's really cool! Oh, I also learn from it but I guess I just have no gift. lol

See ya tomorrow. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

History of COMICS part2

Good evening, guys. As I promise you... I'm here with the history of comics in US. Let's take a look.


An American comic book is a thin periodical containing primarily comics content.
While the form originated in 1933, American comic books first gained popularity after the 1938 publication of Action Comics, which included the debut of the Superhero like Superman.

File:Action Comics 1.jpg

 And if we talk about the Golden Age of American comics. It would be impossible if we skip the age of Superhero like Superman as the picture shows or Americans called Action Comics. So, can you think of any American Action comics?

See ya tomorrow and waiting for the next world wide comics... I'll give you a clue. A country in Asia. :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

History of COMICS around the world.

Good afternoon, folks. Sorry, I've been away for a long while. And hey, I know you guys love comics. Here's my apology... History of Comics from a big part of the world that comics are a great trend. And comics are also a kind of DRAWING so I post these ones. Let's see...

British comics usually aimed at children and had been started since 19th century and were published weekly, although some were also published on a fortnightly or monthly schedule. The top three longest-running comics in the world, The Dandy, The Beano and Comic Cuts are all British.

File:Beano Jan 6 1940.jpg  
The Beano's cover

Even though nowadays, British comics has not been the most hit anymore. But when you think of comics, theses comics are still in your head.

Prepared for the history of comics more. I'll be posting about US comics tomorrow at around 2-4 pm. Hope you enjoy! :)