Monday, July 9, 2012

Introduce myself and my fav. ARTIST

Hey everyone! Officially say hi to you all. My name's Aom, from 10C. And if you wanna get to know me... say hi at school! :)

Today I'll show you some of my favorite artists who had gone for a long time, but still, his works never go away. You gotta love it!

Here's him, Leonardo da Vinci. One of my favorite, he was born on April 15th, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. I'd not tell you much about his life. You may know it before. What I respect about him is that he was not just an artist. He was also a scientist, sculptor, musician, an architecture and so on. Wow! he was a genius.

Now, let me show you his most famous painting of all time. The Mona Lisa, the real one is at Louvre in Paris, France, where he died on 2nd of May 1519 at the age of 67.

Some mathematicians said Mona Lisa is the most beautiful girl in the world because her face had the ratio of the Golden Triangle(or Golden Ratio). But some critics left some comments... They said Mona Lisa is Leonardo da Vinci in a woman version. Err, what do you guys think?

Comment or share your questions below. I'll try to find you the answers. See ya soon. :-)

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